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WORLD GYM: Auntie knows best. 

Role: Creative Ideas, Strategy & Script, Voice & Messaging
Agency: dan and sean
Client: World Gym

World Gym Taiwan is a brand that has been in Taiwan for over 15 years. As the leading gym brand with over 110 locations in the country, they wanted to continue adapting to the growing fitness landscape. Our mission was to increase brand awareness amongst a cynical target audience who had grown tired of an old and outdated fitness brand.

We chose to introduce the character of “The Auntie” as a relatable and trustworthy character regaling you with cheesy puns about how World Gym gives you the best bang for your buck. The rollout of this social content was part of a series to reintroduce the brand to it’s audience, and the “Auntie” series was well recieved and widely shared.